Saturday, June 7, 2014

Puzzle Pieces of Life

A note to myself, on how Gratitude has been the best Attitude.

I am so grateful for this moment, for today, for my life. Every day is magical, and every day a wonderful lesson. The biggest lesson I have learned is the gain and the comfort of gratitude. Practicing gratefulness has given me such beautiful results, and has opened my heart to cope so much better.  My latest practice has been to be grateful for my challenges.


When faced with a challenge, I pray and say I am grateful, as I know I do not face this alone, and the assistance of God, Angels and my guides are with me. I pray to be alert to the answers as they are given to me so I can take the appropriate action. I humbly testify , I am so grateful to see that my faith never fails me.


During challenging times, I thank for this challenge as I know it is part of my karma, to face it and dissolve it. I surrender to it, and by being grateful, it is such a wonderful way to see it as growth, and not punishment.


I am grateful that through this practice, I have been able to love myself, my inner child, and continue to see the goodness in all relationships. I am so grateful that I am aware of this gift, which has been a part of me since I was a young girl. I am so grateful that I did try to rebel, and I am so grateful to have experienced to go against myself is something that does not work.


I am grateful that now I can feel anger, but not stay angry. I can see deceit, but not be deceitful. I can see unfairness, but not been dragged down to do same.  I am so grateful for the Love in my heart. I am so grateful that I have been given the courage to accept it who I am, soft, loving, accepting, and through all this to see when I am being manipulated, or played, but not get involved in the game. I am grateful I have not allowed negative comments to change me into a sour and bitter woman.


Most of all, I have experienced that being grateful for the difficult times is a great healer.  For example when I am faced with a manipulative situation, I say to myself, thank you Lord, for showing me this situation, thank you for helping me not to allow myself to be dragged into this drama, and thank you for showing me how to deal with and learn from it. Thank you for teaching me detachment and surrendering to what is in the most loving way. This is how I deal with all my challenges that appear to me. If I feel challenged and the emotion is there, but it is not clear, once again, I will be grateful, and ask that I am guided to deal with what I need to learn. I am grateful that all the answers always appear.


I am so grateful that right now, and for the past week, I have had to deal with earache, and blocked ears.  I know that at this moment I am hearing things that I really do not want to. I know that a lot of this is not loving and harmonious. I know what it is about. I know that through all this noise there is lots of Love, and this Love once again will bring healing not only to my physical ears but also to the relationships that seek it so much.


I am and remain grateful.