Thursday, March 1, 2012

Dad's books

Puzzle Pieces

One of the memories I have as a young girl, are my father's books.

The memory is so vivid, because I slept under a book shelf which was on the wall. Every night I would pray that the shelf does not fall on my head. And every night I was self assured, in my dad's love that if my dad let me sleep there, then I was pretty safe.

My dad always read stories to my sister and myself. He imparted the love of reading and the importance that through books we gain knowledge. He always had a book in hand. When we left Egypt we had to put most of those books in storage and they would come to South Africa later. My dad said to me when one of his books gets destroyed, it feels as if one of his limbs is cut off.

As a teenager, I started collecting books, which had true stories, positive messages and inspirational stories. These books I kept and I have build on them over the years.

Today, as I logged onto face book, I read a friend's status which informed me, that today is World Book Day... so what a better moment to share something personal, and a beautiful and loving memory.
I feel so blessed that my dad imparted such a huge treasure.

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